Monday, February 22, 2010

30 year anniversary of the Lake Placid Winter Olympics

In 1980 Lake Placid printed the poster on the left for their upcoming Olympic games.  It was soon discovered that nothing is supposed to be touching the Olympic Rings and the poster had to be redesigned and reissued, making the first issue highly collectable.


  1. Are there a lot of those recalled ones out there? How much is one worth?

    1. I'd be curious to find that out too, but seeing that this article was written in 2010, your question is from 2017 and here I am in 2020. I don't think an answer is forth coming haha I could be responding into an web void never to be seen or responded to again....

      I will say I was able to purchase the Ronnie Racoon touching the rings poster on ebay for only $20 a couple of years ago. I recognized and bought it immediately. I'm not sure the seller knew what he had.

    2. I am wondering the same thing.
      I would think that it must be more valuabke than $20

    3. I am wondering the same thing.
      I would think that it must be more valuabke than $20

  2. No doubt that it must have more value than the $20
    You got it on eBay for. I have one from my Mothers shop at the Olympic Arena from 1980 and have often wondered the same things. Does anyone know if this has value or not?
